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Wesley Chapel Real Estate Florida

Wesley Chapel Communities - All Wesley Chapel Homes for sale

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Forecast for Wesley Chapel, FL

1. Up and Coming Families

Up and Coming Families represent the second highest growth market-and the youngest of the affluent family markets.

These days, residents are more Gen X than Baby Boom. Despite the cohort turnover, the profile remains young affluent families with young children. Homes are new, with a median value of $169,000.

2. Midland Crowd

The largest Community market, Midland Crowd represents 11 million people, almost 4 percent of the U.S. population, in one market.

As expected, the largest market reflects some characteristics of the U.S. population, median age (36 years) and average family size, 3.1. Median household income, $47,000, is just under the U.S. median, $48,100.

The differences distinguish the Midland Crowd. These neighborhoods are located in mainly rural areas, growing rural areas at a rate of over 2.5 percent annually since 2000.

Almost 40 percent of the homes were built after 1990. Over 95 percent are single family, or mobile homes.

3. Prosperous Empty Nesters

Over half of the householders are aged 55 years or older, and most households are married-couples with no children living at home.

Well educated and experienced, Prosperous Empty Nesters are enjoying the segue from child rearing to retirement.

A median income over $64,000 supports a lifestyle that focuses on the present, with travel and home renovation, and the future, through investments.

Source: ESRI Business Information Solutions