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Seminole Real Estate Florida

The Seminoles of Florida call themselves the "Unconquered People", descendants of just 300 Indians who managed to elude capture by the U.S. army in the 19th century. Today, more than 2,000 live on six reservations in the state - located in Hollywood, Big Cypress, Brighton, Immokalee, Ft. Pierce, and Tampa.

In the late 1950s, a push among Indian tribes to organize themselves and draft their own charter began -- this came as a result of federal legislation which allowed Indian reservations to act as entities separate from the state governments in which they were located.

After surviving the first half of the 20th century through agriculture and by selling crafts, individuals saw that organizing as a constitutional form of government would be a positive step.

The Seminole tribe improved their independence by adopting a constitutional form of government. This allowed them to act more independently.

So on July 21, 1957, tribal members voted in favor of a Seminole Constitution which established the federally recognized Seminole Tribe of Florida.

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Forecast for Seminole, FL

1. Prosperous Empty Nesters

Over half of the householders are aged 55 years or older, and most households are married-couples with no children living at home.

Well educated and experienced, Prosperous Empty Nesters are enjoying the segue from child rearing to retirement.

A median income over $64,000 supports a lifestyle that focuses on the present, with travel and home renovation, and the future, through investments.

2. Midlife Junction

Somewhere between the child-rearing years and retirement lies the Midlife Junction. Few households still have children.

Most of the labor force is still employed, but approaching retirement. Almost a third are already drawing retirement income.

Most still own their homes, but many have moved into multi-unit apartment buildings. The housing market is a mix of single-family homes and low-density apartments, somewhere between urban and rural.

The residents of Midlife Junction have a median age of 40 years and a median household income of $42,900.

3. The Elders

This is the oldest market, with a median age of 73 years. Representing the highest concentration of retired residents, The Elders favor communities designed for senior living, primarily in warm climates. Half live in Florida, and most of the rest live in Arizona and California.

Sources of income are apparently Social Security and retirement income. Over 80 percent of the households draw Social Security, over three times the U.S. figure.

Source: ESRI Business Information Solutions