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Julia Vakulenko - Broker -

Port Richey Real Estate Florida

PORT RICHEY AND NEW PORT RICHEY, West Pasco's dual coastal communities, are best known today as booming retirement centers, but both towns had more basic origins.

PORT RICHEY was started in 1883 by Missourian Captain A. M. Richey, who homesteaded on an island at the mouth of the Pithlachascottee River.

NEW PORT RICHEY, once Hickory Hammonds, made the name concession in 1914 when the Port Richey Company began heavy development.

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Forecast for Port Richey, FL

1. Senior Sun Seekers

Escaping from cold winter climates, many Senior Sun Seekers have relocated permanently to warmer regions, and others are snowbirds that move south only for the winter.

Most are retired or anticipate retirement. The median age of the population in this market is 51.5 years, but over 60 percent of the householders are 55 years or older.

The areas favored by the seniors are growth markets, especially in Florida, with available seasonal housing.

Most of the housing is either single-family or mobile homes, with a median home value of $91,500.

2. The Elders

This is the oldest market, with a median age of 73 years. Representing the highest concentration of retired residents, The Elders favor communities designed for senior living, primarily in warm climates.

Half live in Florida, and most of the rest live in Arizona and California. Sources of income are apparently Social Security and retirement income.

Over 80 percent of the households draw Social Security, over three times the U.S. figure.

Source: ESRI Business Information Solutions