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Julia Vakulenko - Broker -

Odessa Real Estate Florida

Odessa has a rich and varied history. Originally, there was a huge sawmill in the area that employed many.

The railroad came through the area as well. Most of the original homes and buildings are no longer there.

There are many families who have lived in the area for generations. Some are burried in the cemetary at Keystone United Methodist Church on Race Track Road.

The area is rapidly being swallowed up by development as Tampa expands and needs more bedroom communities to house people.

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Forecast for Odessa, FL

1. Boomburbs

The newest additions to the suburbs, these communities are home to younger families with a busy, upscale lifestyle.

Median home value is $275,000 (and growing), and most households have two workers and two vehicles.

Growth is characteristic of the communities-and the families.

2. Midland Crowd

The largest Community market, Midland Crowd represents 11 million people, almost 4 percent of the U.S. population, in one market.

As expected, the largest market reflects some characteristics of the U.S. population, median age (36 years) and average family size, 3.1.

Median household income, $47,000, is just under the U.S. median, $48,100. The differences distinguish the Midland Crowd.

These neighborhoods are located in mainly rural areas, growing rural areas at a rate of over 2.5 percent annually since 2000.

Almost 40 percent of the homes were built after 1990. Over 95 percent are single family, or mobile homes.

3. Suburban Splendor

These successful suburbanites are the epitome of upward mobility, just a couple rungs below the top and situated recently in growing neighborhoods of affluent homes with a median home value over $377,000.

Most are two-income families with children. The household population is younger, median age of 40 years, well educated and well employed.

Source: ESRI Business Information Solutions