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New Tampa Real Estate Florida

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Forecast for New Tampa, FL - Tampa Bay Homes and Tampa Real Estate

1. Enterprising Professionals

This market is home to young, highly educated, working professionals. Either single or recently married, they prefer newer neighborhoods with townhomes or apartments and renting to owning, typically in cities.

Household income exceeds expectations, with a median of almost $65,000 and their lifestyle reflects both youth and growing consumer clout.

2. Boomburbs

The newest additions to the suburbs, these communities are home to younger families with a busy, upscale lifestyle.

Median home value is $275,000 (and growing), and most households have two workers and two vehicles. Growth is characteristic of the communities-and the families.

3. Up and Coming Families

Up and Coming Families represent the second highest growth market-and the youngest of the affluent family markets.

These days, residents are more Gen X than Baby Boom. Despite the cohort turnover, the profile remains young affluent families with young children. Homes are new, with a median value of $169,000.

Source: ESRI Business Information Solutions